Line of products to give a straight hair look
These products are especially for people who use stretching irons or hair dryer.
Protects hair from damage caused by hot hair, helps to close the ends, controls
volume and gives shine to hair.
Product made with a combination of ingredients including flaxseed that leaves a
bright, clean, and silky hair. Due to its content of flaxseed prevents dryness,
moisturizes hair, gives shine and vitality.
Straight Hair Conditioner
Our flaxseed conditioner contains special ingredients to leave hair soft, shiny
and silky without leaving an oily residue.
As you begin to use it, the positive changes in your hair will be noticeable.
Straight Hair Cream
This cream is specially formulated for damaged hair leaving it shiny and soft. It
can also be used before drying or do the ironing and will protect you from the heat.
This product does not leave a greasy feel, reduces the volume of the hair and gives
the hair shine and vitality.
Shiny Hair Gel
This gel uses natural extracts of flaxseed to show off your shiny hair. Provides
a perfect hold to your hairstyle. This gel contains 90% flaxseed, gives you shine,
controls the volume of the hair and is alcohol free.
Due to its content of flaxseed prevents dryness, moisturizes hair, gives shine and